We rode fast today....19 mph often and I surmise we averaged close to 17 for the day. I continue to feel strong for the most part, though the last 30 minutes to our hotel in Chincoteague was windy and it was head on. It felt familiar - like a nor'easter and it was a push to get into town before the rain. The temperature dropped considerably and dark clouds hovered, though ultimately it all passed us by. Despite the winds which always challenge, the cold air felt good.
After dinner we went to see Assateague and as luck would have it, the wild ponies were grazing. I'd been here years ago with the kids. We didn't see the horses then, but we sure had a ball catching the crabs every day! Glad to have seen the ponies this time - and with their young.
Tomorrow will be a long day. I'm in bed first and early. Bike is doing great. Hard to imagine that we are more than half way through our trip; even harder to fathom that we will be in New Jersey tomorrow night. Holy Moly!! Staying focused one day at a time continues to be my MO, but I'm getting glimpses of the fun I will have when I can reflect on all we have experienced.
Learned today that someone with MM will be riding with us in the next few days and I was grateful to hear from another patient today, who has MM, knows how vital research is and happy we can help in some small way. Gives the most meaning to what we do each day.
1 comment:
Hi Mom... Thanks for updating this blog so often. I feel like I am there with you!
I just posted this on my Facebook wall which I thought you would appreciate:
"One of the many things I respect about my Mom and hope to emulate: She puts her idealism into action. Her bicycling adventures up the eastern coast continue in an effort to raise funds for people suffering with multiple myeloma cancer. Her journey over the next few days includes riding with a person who has MM."
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