Easy, breezy day. The sand dunes along the way are desert like - stark and striking. I have never seen so much beach land and it's dunes. After seeing a dolphin on the way into Nags Head, NC, we stopped to take in the Kitty Hawk museum - something Marty especially wanted to see.
Interestingly, the Wright Brothers started out with a bicycle shop, which we all appreciated. Lots of interesting facts about them, including them being son's of a man who was a minister. But the part that amazed me the most was considering that mankind only took to the skies in 1903. To think that we have reached the moon as a result of the discoveries of these two brothers is mind boggling.

Made a stop at K-Mart which was heaven sent. For a couple of days, I've needed all the little extra medicinal supplies to make riding more comfortable.....such as moleskin for the calloused areas......bandages for a scrape here and there......more paper towels. I sweat constantly and profusely and my hands slip on the handle bars. I ride with paper towel which cuts down of the slip and slide action.
Yesterday while putting a bandage on a leg cut after lunch at Dajio (which was the best ever, btw), a little girl - I think her name was Christina - came over and handed me this leaf! She wanted me to feel better and it was a get-well token from the restaurant's garden. I kept it Christina..
Today's highlight of the day for me was meeting Stephanie in a refuge area parking lot. She is helping to raise money for a little 6 year old girl, Sophie, with pancreatic cancer and as we were exchanging life stories, I remarked on the beaded bracelet she was wearing. Selling her handmade creations is how she is helping to raise money for Sophie. She asked if I would like the bracelet and though taken aback at her generosity, I gratefully accepted her gift. Here's a photo of Stephanie with it on, which I now have on and will not take it off for the remainder of the trip. It reminds me both of little Sophie and of the sweet heart of a woman named Stephanie I met along the way from Florida to Maine. Stephanie, I hope you are reading this and know how much your
gesture meant.
And of course Bobbie, forever filming and driving. We couldn't do this without her.
Less I forget, let me mention and thank Nathan Sports, one of our sponsers for the safety gear and hydration packets.
Another wonderful healing day of cycling.
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